In the Dinosaurs’ Ladybug Car story, I included dealing with the emotion of disappointment to help children reading this story understand that this is a way that they can sometimes feel about things when something they would really like to do isn’t possible immeadiately, or they are faced with having to wait, share, or take turns.
In my own work with children over the years I have tried to implement a simple strategy I read about years ago in Faber and Mazlish’s book, How to talk so kids will listen & listen so kids will talk, which is filled with practical tips and wisdom.The authorsdiscuss supporting young children in understanding their own feelings by listening carefully and intentionally when they are talking, especially if they seem upset by something, and responding by giving their feeling a name (1982/2002, p. 9, 27). Giving young children the vocabulary to understand their own feelings and emotions helps to build their understanding of their own emotions which they may be feeling for the first time and they need support in understanding how to deal with their feelings.
Empowering children with the vocabulary for their feelings enables them to verbalize how they are feeling the next time and can also help young children to gain a gradual understanding of other’s feelings.
I included this concept in this children’s story as learning how to cope and deal with disappointment is a part of life. Not everything that we want to do is always possible right away. Yet, I also wanted to the story to inspire children that sometimes a difficulty can challenge us to think outside the box, get creative, and find another solution.